
Apartment Owners and Rental landlords will find our Association has all the tools necessary to effectively & PROFITABLY manage your rental and income properties.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How is Landlord411 different than traditional credit reporting agencies?
  2. What equipment do I need to get started?
  3. How do I get started?
  4. Are there a minimum number of tenant screening reports that need to be performed each month?
  5. Whom should I screen?
  6. How do I know employment and landlord references are real businesses?
  7. How do I know the prospective tenant has the ability to pay the rent?
  8. How do I know that this person is who they say they are?
  9. What should I do if I decide not to rent to the applicant?


How is Landlord411 different than traditional credit reporting agencies?

1. We provide our clients with an immediate tenant screening report in less than 10 seconds via the Internet.  Whereas, traditional credit reporting agencies typically provide credit reports only, and in some cases extremely limited criminal record search coverage, Landlord411 allows you to obtain an objective and very comprehensive record indicating the applicant’s rental behavior as a resident of your community.

2. In addition to providing an immediate screening response, we also provide a consistent credit recommendation (Accept, Accept with additional deposit, Accept with a co-signor or decline) based on the criteria that the owner/manager sets for their property.  This reduces the likelihood of costly Fair Housing Complaints.

3. Landlord411 automatically prints records for your files and any letters required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

4. Tenant Screening Reports can be run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Whereas traditional credit agencies are open during more "normal" business hours (no more waiting until Monday).

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What equipment do I need to get started?

Virtually any computer that has access to the Internet will work.

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How do I get started?

Click here to register with Landlord 411, then complete the Tenant Screening sign up process.

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Are there a minimum number of tenant screening reports that need to be performed each month?

There are no minimum transaction requirements or monthly services fees – ever!

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Whom should I screen?

Screen EVERYONE over the age of 18 – and screen consistently. If parents with children rent your unit and the child will turn 18 within the lease period, be sure to get an application on that child also. If you ever need to evict or collect from those tenants, it will be much easier and safer to have as many adults as possible named on the action.

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How do I know employment and landlord references are real businesses?

Verify employment and landlord information through "Yellow Page" information in addition to calling the number supplied to you by the prospective resident. You would be surprised at how many “friends” verify employment and rental history

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How do I know the prospective tenant has the ability to pay the rent?

Request a copy of the most recent pay-stub to verify income. Also, you may choose to verify the bank account balances by calling the bank and asking if a check in the amount of the rent will clear the bank. Some managers will verify TWICE the amount, just to see if the tenant actually has "working capital" in the account.

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How do I know that this person is who they say they are?

Verify the applicant's identification with a photo ID. Make copies of the Social Security Card and the Driver's License for your files.

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What should I do if I decide not to rent to the applicant?

Decline your prospective tenant’s application to rent properly. Be sure to provide the applicant(s) with an “Adverse Action” letter for any action other than an approval on standard terms (i.e. an additional deposit, cosignor, or declined application).

Know your local, state and federal laws regarding the use of consumer reports.  In some states (i.e. CA), if requested, you must show the applicant a copy of their credit report, whether they are denied credit or not and must also provide a copy of the credit report to the applicant. The exception to this rule would be if you didn't charge the tenant a screening fee. If you decline to rent to an applicant, he or she is entitled to a free credit report and should be referred to your screening vendor for proper handling.
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