Offender: JONATHAN QUINCY CONSUMER DOB: 10/19/1951 Database: Florida Courts Sex: Male Race: White ( including Mexicans)
County: VOLUSIA Date: 06/26/1996 Offense: 83205 4AC|Giving worthless checks drafts and debit card orders Disposition Date: 06/02/1999 Disposition: Adjudicated guilty Case Number: CRC9730450CFAE Sentence: 0Years 0Months 0Days |
Offender: JONATHAN QUINCY CONSUMER DOB: 10/19/1951 Database: Florida Courts Sex: Male Race: White ( including Mexicans)
County: VOLUSIA Date: 06/24/1996 Offense: 83205 2AB|Giving worthless checks drafts and debit card orders Disposition Date: 06/14/1999 Disposition: Adjudicated guilty Case Number: CTC9651228MMAE Sentence: 0Years 0Months 0Days |
Offender: JONATHAN QUINCY CONSUMER DOB: 10/19/1951 Database: Minnesota Courts Sex: Male Race: White
Date: 10/13/1997 Offense: 3344A Grand Theft Auto Sentence: 1Years 6Months 0Days |
No matching records: Alaska Courts |
No matching records: Arizona Corrections |
No matching records: Arizona Courts |
No matching records: Arkansas Courts |
No matching records: California Court Index |
No matching records: Connecticut Corrections |
No matching records: Connecticut Courts |
No matching records: Connecticut Traffic Court |
No matching records: District of Columbia Corrections |
No matching records: Florida Broward County |
No matching records: Florida Corrections |
2 matching record(s): Florida Courts |
No matching records: Florida Palm Beach County |
No matching records: Florida Pinellas County |
No matching records: Florida Suwannee County |
No matching records: Foreign Nationals |
No matching records: Georgia Corrections |
No matching records: Idaho Corrections |
No matching records: Illinois Corrections |
No matching records: Indiana Corrections |
No matching records: Iowa Corrections |
No matching records: Kansas Corrections |
No matching records: Kentucky Corrections |
No matching records: Maine Corrections |
No matching records: Michigan Corrections |
No matching records: Minnesota Corrections |
1 matching record(s): Minnesota Courts |
No matching records: Mississippi Corrections |
No matching records: Missouri Corrections |
No matching records: Montana Corrections |
No matching records: Nebraska Corrections |
No matching records: Nevada Corrections |
No matching records: New Jersey Corrections |
No matching records: New Jersey Archived Corrections |
No matching records: New Jersey Courts |
No matching records: New York Corrections |
No matching records: North Carolina Corrections |
No matching records: North Carolina Courts |
No matching records: Ohio Corrections |
No matching records: Oklahoma Corrections |
No matching records: Oregon Corrections |
No matching records: Rhode Island Courts |
No matching records: South Carolina Corrections |
No matching records: Tennessee Corrections |
No matching records: Tennessee Courts |
No matching records: Tennessee Supplemental Courts |
No matching records: Texas Courts |
No matching records: Utah Corrections |
No matching records: Utah Courts |
No matching records: Virginia Courts |
No matching records: Virginia Fairfax County Circuit Court |
No matching records: Virginia Traffic |
No matching records: Washington CLJ Courts |
No matching records: Washington Corrections |
No matching records: Washington SUP Courts |
No matching records: Wisconsin Corrections |
No matching records: Wisconsin Courts |